I hope everyone had joyful and relaxing holiday. In Hakkaisan, we started our new year with the open sake barrel ceremony. This is a traditional ceremony to cerebrate the new starts. We see sake in barrel as a clear mirror to show the bright future, and see the lids of barrel split open like in Japanese Kanji ”八 – number 8 -” shape which spreads widely in bottom that means ”prosperity”.
Sake was served to people who are making first visitation of the year to “Meiji Jingu 明治神宮” a shrine in Tokyo with the wood cups. Cerebrating with good sake on the way or after renewing the new year’s resolutions before god is a nice way to starts the new year!
Hakkaisan wishes clear bright future and prosperity to all!!
In 2019, we continue to work hard to brew good quality sake, and bring them to you with love and happiness.
Tokyo Kabuki Theater is decorated with Hakkaisan sake barrels.