Pizza style potato
Pizza Style Potato
- Potatoes 450 grams
- Corn starch 2 table spoons
- Salt To Taste
- Pepper To Taste
- Bacon 20 grams
- Tomato Ketchup 2 tea spoons
- Cheese To Taste
- Oil for deep frying
1. Peel the potato skin and cut into a cubes. Boil in water until soft
2. Drain the potato and place into a bowl to mash
3. Put corn starch, salt and pepper and mix well. Set aside to cool.
4. Chop the bacon into a large chunks and mix with ketchup
5. Make potato dumpling of 40 gram each and flatten them.
Wrap cheese with potato and reshape into a flat cheese bun
6. Deep fry the cheese bun in 180 ℃ oil.
Serve with green garnish
Fried Chicken with Spring Onion and Tomato Sauce
Fried Chicken with Spring Onion
- Chicken thigh 300 grams
- Garlic 1 clove
- Ginger 1 piece
- Sake 1 table spoon
- Salt 1/2 tea spoon
- Corn starch 1 – 2 table spoon
- Spring onion 100 grams
- Tomato 70 grams
- Olive oil 1 table spoon
- Sake 1 table spoon
- Mirin 1 table spoon (Or 1 table spoon of Sake and a pinch of sugar)
- Soy sauce 3 table spoons
- Oil for deep frying
1. Cut the chicken into a large cubes and place into a bowl
2. Grate garlic and ginger and mix in with chicken. Sprinkle salt and pepper and mix well
3. Chop spring onion and tomato into 2 cm cubes
4. Heat frying pan and add olive oil. Lightly fry spring onion and tomatoes, then add Sake, Mirin and Soy sauce. Bring to a boil.
5. Sprinkle Corn starch onto the chicken prepared in step #2 above and deep fry in 180 ℃ oil until brown. Re-fry for 10 seconds to crisp the chicken.
6. Put fried chicken onto a plate and pour the tomato sauce prepared in 4 above.