Improvement of Constipation
Hakkaisan conducted a collaborative study of koji amazake and bowel movement with Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences and Food Research Center of Niigata Agricultural Research Institute. The study was conducted on 14 healthy adults who have a comparatively small number of bowel movements in a week. They had 118g of koji amazake every morning. Before the study, the average number of bowel movements was about 4 times per week, but after the study, the number increased to 6 times per week. The result shows a significant difference and proves that koji amazake clearly contributed to an improvement in bowel movements.
*This study was conducted with Japan cabinet office regional revitalization drive fund
*Statistics processing is done after one way repeated ANOVA then Bonferroni test to verify significant difference. A,B:P<0.01
Colitis Prevention
A collaborative study with Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences and Food Research Center of Niigata Agricultural Research Institute, monitored the degree of symptom of colitis in rats. In the study, rats were fed koji amazake and lactic acid fermented koji amazake mixed with their feed and then they were given colitis. As a result, symptoms such as inflammation and bleeding in the large intestine were reduced. It is promising that koji amazake and lactic acid fermented koji amazake are effective in preventing colitis.
*This study was conducted with Japan cabinet office regional revitalization drive fund
*The result of 8 studies; alphabet shows a significant difference in each study (P<0.05)
Reducing Triglycerides
The collaborative study with Tokyo Agricultural University and Usui Hospital for the purpose of improving bowel movements for dialysis patients, by drinking 118g of koji amazake for 3 months. Not only was the improvement of bowel movement recognized, but 79% of patients reduced neutral fat on average of 12.9% compared to before consuming koji amazake.
Reducing Fatigue
In collaboration with Tokyo Agricultural University, we studied training fatigue reduction on athletes by consuming koji amazake. 20 university track and field long distance runners (5 males and 5 females) took koji amazake while attending a 14-day training camp. They studied “fatigue awareness” and “areas of fatigue” in the morning and after practice. Both male and female athletes recognized that fatigue (especially in the lower half of body) was reduced.
Reducing Joint Pain
In collaboration with Doshisha University Graduate School of Life Science Study, Professor Yoshikazu Yonei, we conducted a comparative study of joint pain. Half of the subjects took koji amazake and the other half took a rice glucose liquied which is not made from koji and/or koji components. As a result, the possibility of effectively reducing joint pain by continuous consumption of koji amazake was demonstrated.
*The result of 22 studies; * shows comparison within the group and # shows a significant difference
Koji Amazake Study
The Mysterious Power of Koji Amazake Vol.1〔Basic〕>
The Mysterious Power of Koji Amazake Vol.2〔Health Effects〕>
The Mysterious Power of Koji Amazake Vol.3〔Safety〕>